2023 Supporters
Our work would not be possible without our supporters. Your generous donations make our communities better and improve the lives of women and children.

Thank you to our 2023 supporters!
Mary Jo Abrahamson Absolute Beauty, Inc (Beauty Brands) Helen and Frank Adam Alicia Albus Lauren and Matt Alvino Peter and Ann Ambrose Erol and Sally Amon Denise Anderson Kathy and John Anderson Lorna Anderson Ann Liberman Maureen Arends Gayle Arrol Cindy and David Asinger Richard Bachmann Tim and Dana Bacich Chris Baechle Debbie Barbeau Mary Barber Barks Family Foundation Nancy Barnidge Cathy Barry Marian Bauer Warner and Donna Bauer Tracy and Scott Bazoian Michelle Bazzell Suzie and Greg Beachem Pat Bean and Bean Family Living Trust Sheila Bebb Charley and Elizabeth Beck Lynn Bene Carol Benoist Caron and Peter Benoist Mary Bequette Colleen Berding and David Shekleton Kathy Berg Joe and Aimee Bergan Carol Berger Kathe Berger Laura Bergin Betty Beckmann Charitable Fund Sarah Birdsall Bishop Dubourg High School Melissa Bizzle Gillian Blackwell James and Anna Blair Robert and Mary Jo Blankemeyer Amy Blickensderfer and Charles Dietrich Jerry Blumoff Boeing Company BOMA St. Louis Boniface Foundation Mary Borchardt Mandy Borgmeyer Ann Borgschulte Terri Borowiak Kelly Boss Rebecca and Bryan Boyer Ann Brannan Bridget Brennan and Jerome Shen Eileen Bridge Cindy Brinkley Tamara Brisibe Vickie Brisibe Jacqueline Browde Clayton and Jill Brown Fred and Carole Brown Meg and David Brown Stephanie Brown J. Mike and Kathy Bruno Judy Brush Brittany Bub Asima Bukvic Bella Bukvic Lejla Bukvic Mary Ellen and Denis Burns Pattie Butler Stephen and Angie Butz Diana Camren Virginia Cane Anne Carman Andrew Carr Julian & Eileen Carr Family Foundation Matthew and Ashley Carr Mary Carretero Gina Caruso Casa de Cadejo Casitas Properties Mary and Joseph Catanzaro Matthew and Lorie Ceresia Amy and Phil Cervantes Charlotte Boswell Foundation Mary Beth Checkett Ramsey Checkett Joan and Thomas Church Church Women United Leah and Adam Cleary Timothy Cleary Susan and Charles Clifford Crystal Cobb Allison and Charles Cohn Rubin Brown on behalf of Christopher Coleman Clark and Jenny Coles Janet Collins Commerce Bank – South County Cindy Connelly Julie Connors Deborah and Andy Conover Justina Coronel Michael and Marion Corrigan Ann and Stephen Cortinovis Katy and Alec Cortinovis Randy Costas Madonna Cotlar Daniel and Kathleen Crain Thomas Cramer Crestwood Elks Lodge 2503 Elizabeth Crider Dennis Cuddihee Matt and Angie Cullen Charles Cuny and Virginia Vasey Mary Ellen Curran Gregory F.X. Daly Marty Daly and Janet Howard Lauren Damico De Smet Jesuit High School Vincent DeBlaze Linda and Ralph Decker Jennifer Delaney and Christopher Reid Frank and Susan Dellaquila Bernadette Dematteo Molly Dempsey Diane Denney Cecilia Detwiler Bo and Mollie Devereux Timothy Devereux Matt and Lauren Devoti Lynn DiBiasi Jane Dickerson George and Mary Ann Diehr Jerome and Sharon Diekemper Thomas and Carol Dill Mark and Dianne Dischert Katie Dolan Lee Essner and Mary Dolan Megan Dolton Niranjan and Barbara Doshi Sarah and Jerry Dow Dorothy Joan Doyle Debbie Dugan Gloria Dunn Carolyn Duvall Amy Dwyer and Duy Nguyen Pappa and Teide Ehimare Hannah and Mike Ehrlich Janet Eichhorn Elco Chevrolet Cadillac Brenda Elfrink Jenny Elliott, Carolyn and Theodore Alexander Robert and Melissa Elliott Sarah Ellis Erlaine Eltomi Dana Emmenegger Scott and Julie Engelbrecht Kathleen Enger Deborah and Tom Epstein Ann Pautler and William Erwin April Esnwah Essex Industries Leonard and Heather Essig Cassie Esswein Kelly Esswein Rachel Esswein Faith and William Pautler Family Foundation Roberta Farley David and Lelia Farr Ruth Farrar Don Fasbender Michelle Faust Don Feldewerth Christine and Kenneth Feldmann Joanne and Pat Ferguson Julie Fernandez Genevieve and Charles Fick First Unitarian Church of St. Louis Mary and Henry Fischer Fischer-Bauer-Knirps Foundation Carmen Fisher Richard and Virginia Fister Edward Jones Deeds and Faith Fletcher Tony and Marie Floretta Michael and Charlotte Flynn Laura and Justin Foizey Peter and Mary Fonseca Marvin and Sonia Foster Dana Fowler Mary Fox Laura Fraley Janet Frane Peter and Susan Frane Mary and Steven Frank Donald and Ann Franke Ann French Meredith and Steven Friedman Nicholas and Patricia Funk Bridgette and Ian Fyvie Thomas G Leone Tammy Gagne Tina Galbraith Amanda Galloway Courtney Garavaglia Allison Garey David and Janet Garvin Julie and Rich Gau Shawn Gay Gerard and Anna Geen Carrie Genovese Amy George Heather Gettys Terri Giammanco John Gibbons Brian and Megan Gilmore Anthony and Heather Gioco Mary Gioco Carolyn Gioia Give Lively Foundation Bob and Shelley Goeddel Jamie Goede Erin Goedecker Candace Goggins Tracy Goldkamp E A Golebiowski Rachel Goltzman Tina and James Gooch Mary Goodman Ericha Gorman Lisa and Carlos Granadino Diane Greble Sue Ann and Thomas Greco Susan Grimm Al and Cindy Grosch Danielle Grubbs John and Amy Guignon Mandi Gummels John and Mary Gunther Leo and Nancy Haas Helen Hagedorn Anne Hager Let’s Build Hope Karen Hall Patricia Hall Donna Haller Carol Hall-Whittier Donald Halpin Larincia Hambrick Stacy Hankins Henning Laura Hanlon Maureen and Steve Hannon Julie Hardeman Martin and Lisa Harney Mary Hartley John Hartman Kathy Hartrich Josephine Havlak Lesley Hayden Shannon Hayes Margaret Heard Mark and Cindy Heffernan Joyce Heiman Kim Heitert James and Sharon Hellmann Rachel and TJ Hellmann Sarah Hellmann and Fred Rusche Tim and Kathleen Hellmann Judith Henke Martin and Diane Hennessey Colleen Hennessy and Joseph Munshaw Carol Herber Herman T. and Phenie R. Pott Foundation Anne and Tom Herrman Walker Hill III Anne Hilmes Thomas Hilton Pam and James Hobelman Jen Hobin Sharon Hodapp Bill and Julie Holland Amy and Michael Hollo Cynthia Holman Christina Holmes Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Martin and Nancy Hood Thomas and Suzanne Hoops Timothy and Kathleen Houghton Kathryn Howard Amy Howe Jerry and Heather Howe Maria Hubel Jim and Meg Huber Molly Huber Scott Huber Thomas and Sally Hudson Janet Huenke Liz Huff Lizzie Huger Carolyne Humphrey Cassandra Husser Lauren Hynds Teri Garner Igel Incarnate Word Foundation Don and Michelle Ingerson Michael and Laura Ingrassia Interco Charitable Trust Brandon Isaac J.W. and M.A. Kisling Charitable Foundation Yoverra Jackson Marie Jacobs Jasmin Jahic Zejna Jahic Barbara James Patricia Jankowski Maura and Matt Jarboe Jefferson Foundation Jeffrey Wolff Lauren Jin John and Martha Hanley John Knox Presbyterian Church Amy and Scott Johnston Jim and Betty Joly Ethan Joly Gina and Jason Joly Reagan Joly Barbara and Mike Jones Lisa Jones Joseph and Melissa Jedlicka Erin Joy Carol Juelich Mary Kaye Mooney Anne Kelleher Smith and Sheppard Smith Katy and David Keller Sarah Kellett Henry and Chad Henry Sally Kellogg Amelia Kelly Barbara Kelly Theresa and Jamie Kenyon Eldon and Virginia Kerschen Irina and Sergey Khachaturov Susan Kickham Anita and Ed Kidd Jim and Lisa Kimminau Susan King Amy and George Kirkou Carol Klipsch Kayla Klobe Mary Kay Klobe Roy Klostermann Deborah and James Klug Joseph Klug Paul and Christine Klug Joseph and Kim Koenig Carol and Richard Kohnen Tom Kopinski and Nancy Rediger Gerri and Dan Kostecki Cheryl and Keith Kowalczyk Cornelius and Colleen Krentz Dorotha Nelle Kresko Carrie and Christopher Kreutz Sabrina Kropp Beth Krumm Laurie Krupka and Mary Bauer-Krupka Amy Krusz Thom Kuhn and Millstone Weber LLC William Kumke Justina Kuster Michael Kyriakos Chris LaBanca Bridget and John Lally James Lally Abigail Lambert Martha Lammert Michael Lampe Dana Lang | Janet and Thomas Lange Paul and Rose Langhorst Janice and Pat Lanigan Jane and Steve LaVigne Nancy and Gregory LaVigne Patrick and Susan Lawlor Patricia Lazaroff Linda Legg Mary LePage Pam Lesser and Ralph Johnson Deborah Levinson Flora Licavoli James Linsin Anne Livingston Carolanne and Joseph Lorenz Christopher and Kelechi Loynd Jenni Loynd John and Irene Luby Julia Lucas Stanley and Judy Luechtefeld Kim Luedde Patrice Lynch-Wood Katherine Lytle Jamie Mace Molly Macek Amelia Mackenzie Keith Madsen Jill Magoc Carla and John Maley Lynn and John Malloy John and Nancy Malvin Thelma and Daniel Mamah Liz Manning Sarah Manning Margaret Mudd Fletcher Charitable Foundation Marine Corps League Ladies Aux South St. Louis Detachment Mark and Eva Johnston Kathleen and Rick Marquart Anthanette Marshbanks Alex and Terry Martignago Corby and Theresa Marx Mary Queen of Peace Church and School Mary Ranken Jordan and Ettie A. Jordan Charitable Foundation Ann Massey John and Maureen Mattingly Christine Mattuezzi Shellay Maughan Jody Maune Gail Mazzola Angie McAlone Terence and Marilyn McCaffrey Susan McCreery Chuck and Jenny McDonnell Thomas McDonough Daniel and Mary McGovern Jim and Jennifer McGrath Kathleen and Brian McHugh Christopher and Carolyn McKee Patricia McLafferty Heather and Matthew McLaughlin Jane McLaughlin Sue McLaughlin Tom and Brigette McMillin Jo Ann McNaughton-Kade and Christopher Kade Kenneth and Bonnie Meacham MaryLou Meagher Sue Meara Samuel Mehmert Sarah and Adam Melinger Eva Melnick Elizabeth and James Meteer Ann Meuleman Lynne and Paul Meyer Mary and Mike Meyer William and Katherine Meyer Mildred and Thomas Meyers Jeff and Sheila Michalski Mike and Julie Holley Dawn Miller Stephanie Minor Juanita Missey Timothy and Renee Mitchell Michael and Judith Mohan Moneta Group Susan Montebello Bonnie Moore Brigid and David Moore Sharon Moran Jim and Mary Mosby Jeff and Julie Mudd Anne Mueller Mary Jo and Gregg Mullen Mike and Joan Mullen Padraic and Maggie Mullen Timothy and Jeffrey Mullen Anne and Francis Murphy Erika Murray Krista Muzzey Sandra Naeger Neeb Family Foundation Tina Nelson Richard and Linda Nemanick Chris and Donna Neumann Margaret and Thomas Niehoff Chandra and Thomas Niemann Gary Nipper Donna and James Nix Kitty Noland Yvonne Nomura Aaron Nord Patrice Norman Norman J. Stupp Foundation Notre Dame High School Stephen and Susan Novack Elise Oates Bridget Obermark Leanne O’Callaghan Meghan O’Carroll Charles and Bridget Hof Emily O’Hagan John and Linda O’Hara Timothy and Kelly O’Leary Joan and Don O’Neal Joan O’Neill Lunt Ilene and Henry Ordower Gary and Shelley Orf John and Mary Orf Jessica Orso John and Deborah Ostrowski Julie Otto Our Lady of Providence Parish Erin Pallardy Schweppe Madison Palmer Zach & Michon Pals Beth Parker Helen Parker Frances “Cheetie” Parlow Deborah Pelch Elizabeth and Steven Pelch Joseph and Pat Pelch Lorie Pendergast Marie and Tim Pendergast Mary Beth Pereira and David Landau Lisa Peters James and Margaret Petersen Shaina Peterson Jean and James Peth Lenore Petruso Debbie Pike and Thomas Pike III Tom Pike and Nancy Valenta Pike Rosemary Pitlyk Immaculate Heart of Mary Marian Council Charles and Nancy Pollnow Angela and Steve Potter Beth and Chris Price Marcela Proctor Thomas Pulliam John Purcell Purcell Family Foundation John and Diane Rabenau Aaron Randolph and Jessica Randoolph Daniel Ranson Catherine and Joseph Raybuck Marsha and Alan Raymond Suzanne Raymond Denny and Michelle Reagan John and Molly Reagan Pat and Joseph Rebman Megan Rebore Thomas and Benedette Reh Dan and Terri Rehmer Kathy and David Rehmer John Reichle Jr. Michael Reinberg Chad and Constance Reis Keegan Rhines John and Suzanne Rhode Sheila Rice Andrew Riek Denise and Steve Riek Kathleen Riordan Debbie Rodgers Bridget Rodriguez Kim Rogers Libby Rohlfing Lily Rohlfing Mike and Nancy Rohlfing Christine and Martin Ronzio Michael and Jan Roselman Marci Rosenberg Rotary Club of St. Louis Sally and Robert Roth Carlene Rothrock Martha and Thomas Roulston Shawn and Claire Rowan Gregory and Marianne Russell Theresa and Ted Ruzicka Amirah Saim Saint Louis Abbey St. Martha’s Giving Circle through the Roman Catholic Foundation Megan Salkeld Salt and Smoke Corporate LLC Kathy Sampathkumaran Heather Sanders Douglas and Molly Sansone James and Kathryn Sansone Mary Pat and Tom Santel Timothy and Mary Sauer Lauren Savel Anne and Patrick Scharff Michelle Schiller-Baker and Alan Baker Vincent Schillizzi Jr. David and Patricia Schlafly Edward and Christy Schlafly Maddie Schlapprizzi Carol Schmidt Lawrence Schmidt Bob and Pat Schmitt Norbert Doll and Susan Schmitz Doll Mary Schneider Patrick and Beth Schumann Michael and Susan Scully Betty and Gerard Seliga Debbie and Paul Selvadurai Janice and Clay Semenkovich Jennifer Shaffer James and Kristen Shanahan Margaret Shannon Chris and Kelsey Shea Mike and Kim Shea Jay and Maria Shields A. Patricia and E.L. Shores Tonia Short Libby Shortenhaus Margie Siegel Shelley and Terry Sieveking Laurie Sifrig Jim and Ann Simon Charlie Raiser and Jan Simons Judy Sindecuse Kelly Slattery Pat and Peggy Sly Megan Smith David and Diane Snively Ruth Sobbe Dalia Soliman and Ehab Maher Kaiser Susan Soucy Alaina Spraggins Nathan and Kathy Sprehe Robert and Kim Springer Carol Springer Greco St. Francis Borgia Regional High School St. James Church St. Joseph’s Academy St. Louis Bar Foundation St. Louis Community Foundation St. Louis Unitarian Foundation for Children St. Louis University High School (SLUH) St. Mary’s High School St. Peter School Deborah A Staed and Terence Staed Susan Standish Robert and Sandra Stearns Doug Stehl Blake Stewart Mary and Joe Stieven Marilyn and David Stolwyk Heather Stone Janet Strader Marissa Strathearn Wallis and Kurt Strobach Kate and Mark Stroble Mary Ann and Joseph Strubert Bob and Connie Struckhoff William and Margaret Stude Marcella Studt Suburban Journals – Old Newsboys Daniel and Kathryn Sullivan Nancy Sullivan Eleatha Surratt Dana Sutter Michelle Rhode and Aaron Swatosh Sarah Swatosh and Laura Whittle Bernard and Martha Swaykus Vicky Tana Brian and Mary Tanner Target Corporation Marcella Tautman Shelia Taylor John Thomas Jerry and Margaret Thomasson Joan Thompson Brian and Carrie-Anne Thouvenot Julie Till Mark and Vickie Toenjes Adetunji Toriola Diane Torlina Bryan Tramont Albert Tretter and Cynthia Holmes Triad Bank Tad Trier Nancy Trube Tuesday Women’s Association of Saint Louis Ethical Society Cara Turek Karen Turgeon Mimi and Greg Twardowski Marianne and John Tyrrell UMW of Concord Trinity United Methodist Church Selma Usina Judith Utterson Owen Vandenberg and Jane Zeni Zach Vaninger Karen Vasquez Vassia Family Charitable Foundation Neville and JoAnn Vatcha Joshua and Cheryl Vautrain Vilatte Institute OCC Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill SC Bob and Dnna Viragh Stanley and Julie Visnovske Cathy and Phil Vivirito Jim and Joan Voelker Deborah Vogt J Edward Vogt Maggie Vogt Debbie Von Doersten Glynn Andrew and Julie Voss E. William and Louann Voss Nicole Wagy Andy and Lorie Wahl Lexi and Timothy Wahl Vera Walker-Oates Bart and Kelly Wall Karen Wallensak Brian and Connie Walsh Kevin Farrell and Molly Walsh Renee Walsh Angie Walston Christine Walter Gill Waltman Washington University and the Harris Community Service Award Joseph and Patricia Waters Merima Weatherton Donald and Linda Weaver Janine Weiler Gerry Welch Donald Wesemann Maureen Wessels Jennifer West Benjamin Westerman Christopher Westrich John and Jana Wharrie Scott Wheeler Kathryn Whitehouse Karen Whiteside and Michael Smith Daniel and Ann Wiegers Timothy and Stephanie Wiegers Eugene and Margaret Wienke Ann Wilkerson William J. and Mary Agnes Waris Charitable Trust Foundation Lucy and Roger Willis Billie Ann Wilson Christine Wilson Kathy Winfrey Kenneth Winkler Juliann Wisbrock Sue Wissmann Charles and Patty Wiswall Claire Witte Yvonne Wnuk Michelle Wobbe Stephanie Wobbe Mary Joan Woods Bettina Woolbright Chris and John Woolbright Jessica and Brian Woolbright Troy Woytek and Emma Harty Bridget Wozniak Gina Wright John and Julia Wright Mary Wright Matt and Maddie Wright Diane Young Barbara Zander Mary Jo and James Zara Michael and Wendy Zerega April Zuccatti Susan Zumbro |