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Love Is…

When I was in high school, my theology teacher shared with my class his definition of the word “love.”  “Love,” he said, “is a function of the will.”  He went on to explain that people often talk about “falling in love,” but that implies that love is something that is sudden, impulsive, or overwhelming. When in fact, love is a choice, and it is one that must be made over and over again.  “Every day,” he said “you have to wake up and choose love.”

With that definition in mind, I have come to know that love is not a feeling.  Feelings are fleeting.  Love requires intentions. I can feel angry with someone and still choose love. I can feel tired and still choose love. I can disagree with someone and still choose love. 

We choose to let someone merge while we’re in traffic. That’s love. We choose to put our shopping cart back in the proper corral. That’s love. We choose to make our spouse a cup of coffee in the morning. That’s love. We choose to text a friend whose been on our mind. That’s love.

At Saint Martha’s, we see living acts of love every day. Women who choose to hold down multiple jobs to provide for their children. Women who choose to cook and bake together. Advocates who choose to stay at the shelter over several shifts during winter snowstorms. Children who choose to play together. These are the reminders we see every day that love, truly is, a function of the will.

Saint Martha’s serves women and children who are impacted by domestic violence by providing shelter and resources.
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