May 1, 1983

Through a collaboration with Catholic Charities St. Louis, Saint Martha’s Hall opened its doors as a result of the overwhelming requests for emergency shelter for abused women through Dial-Help of Catholic Charities. The shelter initially had space for 8 women and 12 children.

October 22, 1984

Saint Martha’s Hall became incorporated as a general not-for-profit organization in the state of Missouri, focusing on serving the needs of women in the city of St. Louis.


Saint Martha’s Hall started a Children’s Program to address the needs of the children who come to the shelter with their mothers. The Junior League of St. Louis originally funded this program. The program is designed to help children cope with the effects of violence against women using individual, family, and group counseling.


The shelter expanded its capacity to 9 women and 15 children.

A collaborative effort between Saint Martha’s Hall and Lutheran Family Services resulted in the first parenting groups offered to residents of a St. Louis women’s domestic violence shelter.


Saint Martha’s Hall opened and operated the St. Louis County Kathy J. Wienman Shelter through a contract with St. Louis County. In 2007, the Board of Directors voted not to renew the contract with the County due to staff capacity.


Saint Martha’s Hall became the first domestic violence shelter in Missouri to receive national accreditation through the Council on Accreditation. We maintain this accreditation today and remain one of the very few shelters in Missouri with it.


Saint Martha’s Hall participated in a Court Watch Project in collaboration with the St. Louis Region of the Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCADSV). We acted as the lead agency through 1999 when the project ended due to lack of volunteers.


The St. Louis Ending Violence Against Women Network (SLEVAWN) reignited the Court Watch Project.


Saint Martha’s Hall began the Time Out Against Domestic Violence Project to get St. Louis-area high school students involved in raising awareness of domestic violence through wearing purple knee socks during games.


Saint Martha’s Hall, in collaboration with SLEVAWN, received a three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, Justice for Families Program to operate the first federally funded professional Court Watch Project in Missouri.


Saint Martha’s Hall opened a Drop-In Center to offer an unmatched degree of accessibility so survivors and their family could reach out for help and understanding at their time of need. The Saint Martha’s brand is updated to better reflect our level of expertise, expanded services, and continued commitment to serving individuals impacted by domestic violence. The rebrand includes a new website and dropping “Hall” from the organization’s name.