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New Missouri Voting Laws

Missouri’s new election law went into effect August 28, 2022, requiring voters to have a government-issued photo ID to vote in Missouri. A state driver’s license, passport, a non-driver’s license ID card, or a military ID are all valid options. All other forms of identification, including school IDs, utility bills, or bank statements, are no longer accepted. Other changes include:

  • Expanded options for no excuse, absentee voting: As of November 2022, voters are allowed to vote absentee two weeks before the election without needing a qualifying reason. The last two weeks of in-person absentee voting
    before the election is open to any voter without needing a qualifying reason.
  • Mail-in voting: Mail-in voting is no longer an option.
  • Convicted felons: Missourians who are convicted felons can vote after they have completed their sentence and probation or parole. Individuals who have been convicted of an election offense, whether a felony or misdemeanor, are not allowed to vote.
  • Presidential primaries: New law replaced presidential primaries with political caucuses. Caucuses are hosted entirely by political parties.

Click here to learn about the new Missouri voting laws, how to obtain necessary photo ids and how survivors can exercise their right to vote safely.

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