Domestic violence is not a “women’s issue.”

It’s in every community, including your own. It affects the survivor, their families, friends, and coworkers. It affects their children greatly. In fact, children who witness domestic violence are significantly more likely to become abusers or be abused themselves. It even affects the community itself with declines in physical, mental, and behavioral health and increased substance abuse.

Community Education

Our education team speaks to 100+ social service professionals, schools, groups, and congregations annually to inform and teach communities about domestic violence.

Educational trainings are tailored to meet the needs of the professionals or community members seeking information on the dynamics of domestic violence and how they can safely support someone they are working with.

Community Outreach

To access our care, survivors must know it exists. By spreading the word to different communities, more survivors in need can find help and hope.

In the United States

1 in 3

women has experienced physical violence by an intimate partner. 1

1 in 4

children under the age of 18 has been exposed to domestic violence. 2

Saint Martha’s 10-Year Plan


Serve 1,000 women and their children each year who are impacted by domestic violence.


Decrease violence by educating 1,000,000+ people at community outreach and education events annually.

Partnering with the staff at Saint Martha’s provides us with the tools we need to care for our clients with respect and compassion while still advocating for their best interest in court.

Amy Hirsch Diemer, J.D.
Director of Legal Services, Catholic Legal Assistance Ministry
  1. Black, et. al. National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Nov. 2011.
  2. Hamby, et. al. National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Oct. 2011.

You can help expand our reach and stop domestic violence.

Contact us to request brochures or arrange for our education team to present to your school, business, group, or congregation.